Articles - Archives

Volume: 1   Issue: 1

APRIL 2019

The Nature and Function of the Immunogenic Oncofetal Proteins and Monoclonals so derived, that Characterize Colorectal Carcinoma
Arlen M*, Arlen P, Tsang K, Coppa G, Conte C, Crawford J, Saric O and Wang X
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Stability and Reliability of Complete Blood Count Parameters with Extended Storage toward Pathological Applications with Defined Specifications: A Mini Review
Sajid Hussain*
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Meaning in Medicine
Richard Boudreau*
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Diffuse Large B-Cells Lymphoma in Cameroon: Global Survival of Adult Patients at the Douala General Hospital
Ngouadjeu Dongho TE*, Souga Se, Tomowiak C, Chetcha B, Banos A, Mouelle Sone A and Luma Namme H
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Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Parotid in a Developing Community
Wilson IB Onuigbo*
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